I believe that everyone develops passions that last a lifetime. Sometimes we bury those passions, sometimes we outgrow them, sometimes they become our professions and sometimes they linger just under the surface of our conscious waiting to come to life once more. I have been a rock hound and have collected artifacts since I was a kid in the midwest.
Walking freshly plowed fields of ours and neighboring farms picking up arrow heads, beads and other remains of a civilization long gone from that area. When I moved to Utah I was immediately drawn to Moab, the Four Corners area and any place else where I could search for rock art - looking, never taking anything but photographs and memories. Those photos and memories have lingered just beneath my conscious waiting to come to life as a body of work painted in watercolor and oil. I never tire of looking for petroglyphs / rock art. The history of our First People fascinates me and I dedicate this exhibition to those who came before and to their ancestors still walking among us.
I hope you enjoy these beautiful paintings.
Brenda Brunello, Artist
Contact Brenda for information and/or purchase.